Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Message of THANKS

okay... soooo I'm a bit sentimential.. but as I age.. my heart beats to a slower drum.
I'm not in a rush..for the minute to pass.. I'm slower but more aware... and my mind reminds my heart to be THANKFUL for another day lived.

I'm Thankful for my wonderful, smart,service oriented, hard working, patient,loving children!
I'm Thankful for the perfect (Love) I have for my grandchildren. ( that means they make me smile)
I'm Thankful for my employment at Kiddi Kollege.
I'm Thankful for the strong love and friendship we have at K.K.
I'm Thankful for my morning diet coke! 
I'm Thankful for the blessings I've recieved by serving a 3-year. Mission for "The Church of Jesus Christ on Temple Square" ( so many tears shared with others who have shared their journey with me)
I'm Thankful for a very succesful back surgery!
I'm Thankful for my friends, neighbors and all those who have made a difference in my life at just the right time.
I'm Thankful for my program " THE POLAR EXPRESS" that I have been able to share with others for 4 years. I'm so THANKFUL FOR THE TALENT THAT OTHERS GIVE TO MAKE THIS PROGRAM A MEMORABLE EVENT
I'm THANKFUL for all of my customers who have purchased my bags....and those who have promoted them!
I'm Thankful for our Home.. small, cozy, and full of life & snoring!
I'm soooo Thankful for Chocolate!
I'm Thankful for a Mother who taught me to be a survivor!
and of course..

 I've left the best for last...
I'm Thankful for my husband and all the support and blessings he has given to me unconditional.. I'm Thankful for his service in the Navy for our Country.  I'm Thankful for the tender mercies!

With a very THANKFUL HEART ... I appreciate my Blog Followers....


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