My Father passed away when I was only two.. so I clung to my Mother who worked very hard to raise myself and three sisters. She is my Hero.. She passed away at 92. One of the great memories I have with her In the ("60's ) is going for a "coke" everynight at 6:00 p.m. ... she would pick up her best friend Mary from her job at the old Exchange Grocery Strore in Heber. Mary would come out with three cold coke's and some peanuts. I was very excited to set in the back seat of the old Chevy and listen to my Mom & Mary talk about their day and the town gossip. Mom would dirve up to the cementary and drive around as her and Mary continued to chatter.. the purpose of the cementary was the sprinklers came on every evening and they provided a great car wash. ( being in ahh with my Mom and her friend each night.. I assumed that this is what everyone did in the evening... little did I know it was just me, Mom & Mary )
Now the tradition continues..... Meet Cache.... my two year old grandson...
Waiting for my Grandma to take me for a "Tote" ( Coke ) |
The first sip... is the BEST! |
My little buddy is a fast learner! |
We love the Maverick .. they have a cherry squirter! WHAT MORE CAN I SAY... A DIET COKE WITH A SQUIRT OF CHERRY HELPS YOU GET THRU THE DAY! |